Stereo Vision
Dale R. Tyczka ; Robert Wright ; Brian Janiszewski ; Martha Jane Chatten ; Thomas A. Bowen ; Brian Skibba; Study of high-definition and stereoscopic head-aimed vision for improved teleoperation of an unmanned ground vehicle. Proc. SPIE 8387, Unmanned Systems Technology XIV, 83870L (May 1, 2012); doi:10.1117/12.916976.
Tyczka DR, Chatten MJ, Chatten JB, Merritt JO, Task HL, Hopper DG, Fath BI, "Development of a dichoptic foveal/peripheral head-mounted display with partial binocular overlap", Head- and Helmet-Mounted Displays XVI: Design and Applications, Peter L. Marasco; Paul R. Havig, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 8041, April 2011.
Tyczka, D. R., Chatten, M. J., Chatten, J. B., “Comparison of Monoscopic and Stereoscopic Head-Aimed Vision Systems in Perceived Depth, Manipulation and Teleoperation Tasks,” AUVSI's Unmanned Systems North America, Denver, CO, USA, 24 – 27 August 2010.
Head-Aimed Remote Vision
Massey K, Sapp J, Tsui E, "Improved Situational Awareness and Mission Performance for Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robots" Unmanned Systems Technology XI, edited by Grant R. Gerhart, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7332, 73320O, 2009.
Yamauchi, B., Massey, K., "Stingray: High-speed control of small UGVs in urban terrain" Unmanned Systems Technology XI, edited by Grant R. Gerhart, Douglas W. Gage, Charles M. Shoemaker, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7332, 73321T, 2009.
Yamauchi B, Massey K, "Stingray: High-Speed Teleoperation Of UGVs In Urban Terrain Using Driver-Assist Behaviors And Immersive Telepresence", Proceedings of the Army Science Conference (26th), December 2008.
Chatten JB, "Foveal HAT: A Head Aimed TV System with Foveal/Peripheral Image Format", Proceedings of A Symposium on Visually Coupled Systems: Development and Application, Joseph A Birt, Lt Col, USAF and Harry L Task, Brooks Air Force Base, TX, November 8-10 1972.
Dexterous Robotics
S. Harshbarger, “Social and Military Applications of Advanced Dexterous Robotics”, National Academy of Sciences and Engineering, Futures Implications of Emerging Technologies Study Group, Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, Irvine, California, October, 2011.
S. Harshbarger, “The Future of Dexterous Robotic Manipulation”, Military Robotics Conference, San Diego CA, 2011.
Upper Extremity Prosthetics
Burck JM, Bigelow JD, Harshbarger SD, "Revolutionizing Prosthetics: Systems Engineering Challenges and Opportunities", Johns Hopkinks APL Technical Digest, Volume 30, Number 3, 2011.
Armiger RS, Tenore FV, Bishop WE, Beaty JD, Bridges MM, Burck JM, Vogelstein RJ, Harshbarger SD, ""A Real-Time Virtual Integration Environment for Neuroprosthetics and Rehabilitation", Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 30, Number 3, 2011.
D. Boone, S. Harshbarger, Draft Report – “Prosthetics 2020: The Future of Physical Restoration - a preliminary meeting summary”, 2010
S. Harshbarger, FDA 513 (g), Regulatory Classification Clarification Request for the Modular Prosthetic Limb, 2009
M. Kozlowski, S. Harshbarger, A Test Report for the Prototype 1 Limb System – Informing Next Generation Prosthetic Design through User Experience, 2009
J. Burck, M. Zeher, R. Armiger, J. Beaty, S. Harshbarger, “Developing the World’s Most Advanced Prosthetic Arm Using Model Based Design”, Mathworks Notes, (accepted February 2009)
Anderson R, Francowiack S, Harshbarger S, Kozlowski M, "An Instrumented Study of Able Bodied Persons to Quantify Design Parameters for the Application of Upper Extremity Prosthetics and Assistive Devices during Routine Tasks in Support of Activities of Daily Living', The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory System Integration Plan for the Modular Prosthetic Limb, 2008.
W. Bishop, B. M. Yu, G. Santhanam, A. Afshar, S. I. Ryu, K. V. Shenoy, R. J. Vogelstein, J. Beaty, and S. Harshbarger, “The use of a virtual integration environment for the real-time implementation of neural decode algorithms,” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008.
W. Bishop, R. Armiger, J. Burck, M. Bridges, M. Hauschild, K. Englehart, E. Scheme, R. J. Vogelstein, J. Beaty, and S. Harshbarger, “A real-time virtual integration environment for the design and development of neural prosthetic systems,” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008.
F. Tenore, R. Armiger, R. J. Vogelstein, D. Wenstrand, S. Harshbarger, and K. Englehart, “An embedded controller for a 7-degree of freedom prosthetic arm,” Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008.
S. Harshbarger, P. Campbell, “Armed with Ideas”, RP2009 in Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Publications 2006.
Open Architecture
Hinton MA, Zeher MJ, Kozlowski MV, Johannes MS, "Advanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotic System (AEODRS): A Common Architecture Revolution", Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, Volume 30, Number 3, 2011.
M. Kozlowski, M. Hinton, M. Johannes, “Towards a Common Architecture for the Advanced Explosive Ordnance Disposal Robotic Systems (AEODRS) Family of Unmanned Ground Vehicles, NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium, August, 2010.
Other Publications
M. Kozlowski, D. Cole, R. Clark, A Comprehensive Study of the RL Series Resonant Shunted Piezoelectric: A Feedback Controls Perspective, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, February, 2011.
Minasyan, G.R., Chatten, J, Chatten, M.J., Harner, R.N., "Patient-Specific Early Seizure Detection From Scalp Electroencephalogram", Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, Volume 27 Number 3, June 2010
Minasyan, G.R., Chatten, J., Harner, R.N., "Automatic Detection of Non-Convulsive Status Epilepticus", American Epilepsy Society, Abst. 1.123, 2010 Annual Meeting (Abstract)
Minasyan G.R., Chatten J.B., Harner R.N. "Detection of epileptiform activity in unresponsive patients using ANN" Neural Networks, 2009. IJCNN 2009. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Atlanta, 2009. pp. 2117 – 2124
M. Chen, S. Franckowiak, D. Greenspan, S. Harshbarger, “A Multi-spectral Imaging System for Longitudinal Wound Characterization”, APL Technical Digest, Johns Hopkins University 2005.